Monday, January 06, 2014

Resolution 2014

My new year resolution

I hope I can review this at least mid year, and make sure I follow through and achieve something by the end of year.

Health and Exercise
1. Sleep at least 7 hours a day. Sleep before 12
2. 生活得有纪律点。
~ 目标: 减肚腩至30寸 ~
- 每天仰卧起坐20下 - 早上起床后的运动。
- 不吃肥猪肉,猪油,鸡皮等油腻的食物。 (唉,我的最爱!)
-  早餐吃得好 - need more detail planning here!
-  多吃水果 - 每天最少两餐吃水果。
-  多喝水 - 早上9am,中午12noon,下午3pm 装满水瓶,晚餐前喝完。
-  定时排便 - 每天早上的例行公事,早上起床先喝一大杯的温水
-  不吃零食,巧克力,饼干等。下午肚子饿,吃水果或泡杯麦片
-  每餐只吃一碗饭,慢慢咀嚼。

- When I'm at work, I am 100% at work
- Don't FB at work or while testing. Only 30 mins time after lunch for FB, blogs and news.
- Attend Think Friday.
- Focusing on Poller, be the expert

- 100% with kids when spending time with them.
- be patient, be firm
- read more books to them.
- speak slowly.
- set a daily routine and follow through.
- set a set of house rules and follow through. be firmed.
- most importantly, love them !  and let them know !

1。戒 Facebook。Check only once per day - lunch time for 15 mins. Another 15 mins for blog / news / others.

This list is not finalize and I'll continue to review and edit them once a while !
So far (it's 6th Jan now), I'm quite happy that I stay out of FB most of time, hehe.

Hope for the best of 2014 ~

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