Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Kilim Geoforest park

The best part of our Langkawi trip - Kilim Geoforest park.
Initially I was thinking to bring kids to experience snorkeling in Pulau Payar, as it is shallow water which is perfect for kids and they will be able to swim with real baby shark. However, review from Tripadvisor seems to suggest that it is badly maintained. On the other hand, this Kilim Geoforest Park has many good review.

I thought mangroves tour is just another kids-friendly tour, but I enjoyed it as much as all the kiddos. It was well organized and the scenery is truly amazing. It was quite an adventure especially for kids and they learned a lot too.

There are many highlights in our 4 hours journey : 
- Traveled in speedboat along the Kilim river with magnificent view of Mangrove trees and gigantic limestone rocks. It feels like Phi Phi Island, or the Amazon river cruise that I saw from TV before.
- Walked in silent into a dark cave with just torchlight and seeing hundreds and hundreds of tiny bats hanging on to the roof of the caves.
- Wading through knee-high water in a small dark cave
- Towards the end of the caving journey, saw a danger sign hanging on a wooden stairs heading to a small cave on top. Tour guide told us that it is now habitat of a snake, with a snake skin hanging outside. Somehow this is Cayden’s favourite part of the trip. 
- Saw archer fish shoot water with perfect aim and a loud sound. 
- Learned about the most dangerous fish in Kilim river ( I can’t remember its name) and witnessed how fast and strong they are when the guide feed them. 
- Screamed when large number of monkeys jumped onto our boat to look for food. I felt like I was in horror movie when a few monkeys jumped on the boat roof and some tried to snatch food from us. 
- Giggled when seeing monkeys stuffed their mouth full of bread and swim / jumped back to the forest. 
- Watched 30-40 eagles swooping down to catch the chicken skin floating on the water and take off in split seconds. 
- Went under a low cave in the speed boat and nearly stuck inside. We would be trapped if the tide is high. Coming out to realize that we passed through the crocodile cave with no crocodile. It has its name because the shape of the cave looks like a crocodile. We saw a lizard though.
On the way to the open sea was the best part of the day. At first Nicole spotted 2 dolphins. Then we saw 4, and then we found ourselves surrounded by group of dolphins! 10 or 20? I lost counts. We witnessed a few of them jump out of water in front of us, at least 4 times. My first encounter with wild dolphins. They were so near to us and kids love it so much. This is not part of the itinerary, but it’s definitely an unforgettable one. Highly recommended tour if you visit Langkawi.

The not-so-good part of the tour:
- The lunch at the floating fish farm was overpriced and they overcooked the freshly caught fish. We ordered non-spicy dishes for kids but even the steam fish was spicy. 
- We didn't get to see and feed coral fish. There was no fish due to sea current change that day, according to the guide. 
- We were supposed to swim in an uninhabited island, but I think the boat driver brought us to a hotel beach in Tanjung Rhu instead.

Beautiful weather, sunny day with lots of cloud so not too hot.  

First stop, the bat cave. We are all ready with our torchlight.

Floating fish farm. The guide was friendly and funny. He introduced us their 3 stingrays named Ali, Abu and Ah Chong. Kids got to touch Ali. We also saw the archer fish shoot water to get its food. Other fish includes the piranha’s cousin fish and the most dangerous fish in Kilim river who is fast and strong. The not so good part is the lunch there is overpriced and they overcooked the fresh fish we ordered. We asked for non-spicy dishes for kids but even the steam fish was spicy.

First time traveling with his best friend. They play and they fight; they sing, dance and swim together. A memorable trip for all of us.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Clean Food


Saturday, May 19, 2018


English storytelling volunteer work in Nicole's primary school.

相隔多年,今年轮到女儿进入华小就读。很幸运的,离家3km的距离,就有四间华小。我选择了一间听说最少功课,最不压力的来报读。但这间华小因为刚迁移过来,有最新的硬体设施,也最抢手。报名了过后有点后悔,因为虽然距离很近,但学校和我们住址属于不同的邮区,怕拿不到反而被派到更远的市中心小学去。记得去年到学校去拿消息时,我几乎有心理准备拿不到了。当学校书记告诉我成功报读时,我还再三的确认,真的吗?Are you sure? 有没有看错名字?现在想起来觉得自己的反应很好笑。
- 比如说,琪琪这间小学全部的班级都有projector,老师把课本project 到白板上教学。当老师没来,代课老师只需放卡通片就可以了。 对我来说,这是件新鲜的事。还有,全部课室都有冷气,烟霾来时也不怕。
- 所有的班级都有locker,每个孩子都有自己的柜子放书。所以她的课本都放在学校,书包其实不重。加上教育部规定每科不能有超过一本作业簿,这间学校也遵守规则,只用教育部规定的作业簿。
- 另一方面,跟其他的学校比起来,他们的功课真的不多。另一间小学的妈妈跟我分享过他一年级孩子的功课每天都有上十样,常常在安亲班做不完功课不能准时回家。而琪琪呢,几乎每天都在学校做完功课,放在柜子里没有拿回家来。
- 据说这间学校的校长下了令,所以他们没有听写,没有Ejaan, 没有spelling。这也是个蛮‘先进’的概念,虽然我也不确定这是好还是不好。
- 因为是新的学校吧,硬体设施都很新颖,还有电梯,但学生不能随便乘搭电梯。学校还在建着体育楼,听说还会有游泳池。
- 我也发现,这座城市的所有华小都只有上午班,没有下午班,还有几间华小是全日制的。全日制的意思就是,上课到中午后,下午有进修班和课外活动到三点。这其实有点像国际和私立学校。
- 说到课外活动,第一天到学校时我就被这些玲琅满目的课外活动弄得头昏,有太多太多的选择了。单单绘画班就有五六种,水彩蜡笔素描等,有些免费有些自费,有些是课内(三点以前)有些是课后,还有些是校队的。其中有些我没有预料到的活动,比如说,原来现在的华小也有击剑队(fencing),还有独轮车,陶艺,啦啦队等。时不时就会看到学校代表赢得国内外的比赛,他们的 robotic team 就曾代表大马出国比赛赢得国际奖项。还有就是gymnastic team。记得小时候我在电视上看到大马的小小韵律操健儿,就奇怪她们是怎么被选上的。原来资源都较集中在首都。
除此之外,这间学校话说拥有很高比例的父母志工 volunteer parents。家协和志工家长们上学放学时帮忙维持交通安全,还有环保志工负责回收,还有负责食堂食物卫生营养的,厕所干净的,帮忙维修硬体设备等等。其中最多的是讲故事的志工妈妈爸爸们。每天早上七点会在一个漂亮,铺有假草皮的阅读角落讲故事给小朋友听,两天华文,两天英文,星期一是周会就休息。听说有些学校硬性规定所有学生必须早上七点前到校自修晨读。我反而喜欢这间学校的做法,让家长讲故事吸引小朋友们提早到校。
说了很多学校我觉得比我预期中好的地方,当然也有很多让我存有疑虑的地方。其实,现在尤其是在大城市里,家长们有很多的选择。有一些家长开学没多久就让孩子转学到 private school, international school, homeschool center, waldoft school,在家自修(真正的homeschool, 不是homeschool center) 甚至是 unschooling。如果华小没有进步,会逐渐的流失学生。
最近有很多教育部长人选的争议出现,许多的家长们都有很多的wish list。只希望这位新的教育部长可以为马来西亚的教育界带来全新的景象,给他多一点的时间吧。


~ 很幸运的,泽泽参与的项目,今年也赢了,拿回了一枚奖牌 ~





Monday, May 14, 2018


First working day after we have a new government. Why so jam? 
p/s: I still have my black finger(nail).


Thursday, May 10, 2018


Wake up early in the morning. Cayden sleep next to me and ask: "Do we win? ". I ask Nicole to bring me the phone. " We won!" I shouted. Nicole said: " Yay holiday!"
Reading news, seems like if I tahan half an hour or 1 hour more yesterday I should be able to watch the first hand news myself. Aiya, sayangnya. But nevermind, I'm a proud Malaysian today, and am so happy that I'm part of this historical day of Malaysia.

What a beautiful morning today.

Wednesday, May 09, 2018


Wake up late. So long queue

Monday, May 07, 2018


~ She doesn't want a party this year, but instead she requested to go Sunway Lagoon ~
我不要party, 我要去Sunway Lagoon 玩!
最靠近的theme park反而一直没去。琪琪说班上大多数的朋友都去过了。
等到现在两个孩子都够大了,可以玩多数的rides 了,今年Marta Fair 终于买了超值的annual pass. 
孩子们第一次玩射箭还有paintball shooting.
单单Nickelodeon park 的 SpongeBob Splash Adventure 两个孩子就可以玩上一整天不肯走。
去年在澳洲男孩多数的rides 都不够高不能玩。这次终于达110cm可以玩很多的rides。
两人最喜欢的是Jungle Fury family ride,一家四人坐在大游泳圈上一起滑下来的 water rides,玩了四五次。
我们从早上十点开门玩到六点关门,还有好多的游戏没玩到,尤其是 Amusement Park 和 Wildlife Park, 也没有看到任何的 show。
不过没关系,今年一整年应该还会来玩很多次,才值回 annual pass 票价啊。
Kids' favorite, they spent few hours here. They had fun with the slime time too ~
单单Nickelodeon park的 Spongebob Splash adventure 两个孩子就可以玩上一整天不肯走。

孩子们第一次玩射箭还有paintball shooting.

the only photo taken with the characters. Saw Ninja Turtles too but they didn't want to take picture. They would rather spend more time in water playing:P



Presents from daddy mummy and grandma

Friday, May 04, 2018




说真的,如果不是仔细想想,过了三十,我就不再记得自己几岁了。算不算是逃避现实呢? 哈哈。

~ 他带我喝下午茶 ~


最喜欢这儿的 Risotto


Wednesday, May 02, 2018



Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Potluck ~ Salad Bowl

参与 ESG 的一周年聚会 pot luck,我准备了两大盘的沙拉,配上芝麻酱。

