Saturday, April 14, 2007

4th Year Anniversary

After the first blog, got some concerns from friends whether am I really that bored? 
来到这座岛屿快四年. 这也代表我出来社会大学也已四年了.

心理上,一直还像个鸵鸟似的, 不愿长大.不愿承认我也已经老大不小了.
小时候的那些理想啊,抱负啊,也已不知隐藏在心里的哪一个角落, 发霉生锈
所有一起成为第一届GI (现在是GT) 的朋友们, 你们都还好吗?
两年前的这个时候,我和伊伦美敏在美国的加利福尼亚州, 还寄出了一封电子邮件给你们,恭祝所有‘侥幸存活’下来的人 :)
一眨眼,两年变四年,留下来的人还剩多少?(我不敢算K )
好多人都在外面闯出一片天了,我却还一直赖在自己的comfort zone, 屁股黏在椅子上,动也不动,不愿起来。(迟早有一天变成dinosaur… )
那些读着master 的朋友们都快要毕业了,我的梦想又在那里呢?
五年后的我又会在那里,变得怎麽样?十年后呢?会不会还是像现在一样,一样的重复的在懊恼着?(那么就可以cut and paste 现在这篇blog,不用再重写 :) ) 

(他一直要我多think positive, 看来我还没学到多少 =P )

p/s: 我还留着那封2 years anniversary 的email。
Survival of first batch GTs in Intel
2 years !!!!!

Hi my friends…
So… what’s so special today? Hehe..… today is 16th April 2005……… It’s our 2 years anniversary in Intel PDC….. let’s celebrate…
Congratulations to all survivors! Keep up the good job!!!
p/s: still remember what does GT means?
Warm regards from,
Bee Min, Ee Lun and Min Si :)
Wow… Times fly.
We should hold some celebration instead – hard to survive in PDC indeed. J
Best regards, Jennifer Mo
I still think our batch is the BEST!!
Swee Teng, Andy and I still have 2 days to go before officially being 2 years in Intel :p
- CP
Time does fly, at light speed!
2 years in Intel… what have we gained?
Siti Asmawati Ibrahim
I got weight gain :) for 7 kg.
swee aun
My wrinkles grow.
Jennifer Mo
I have been rewarded a pair of panda’s eyes
Swee Teng
Any one got white hair yet?
I do..
Siti Asmawati Ibrahim
i gained a whole bunch of good frens…
- CP

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Another boring Sunday

Woke up in the morning, 7am. Wanted to go hikking… (one of my ‘keep fit’ plan :P) but.. at the end… i chose to sleep back…. wasted the whole morning doing nothing, day dreaming on bed… Hiding now in my study room… turn on the air-con, turn on the speaker… listening to music, half working half surfing net now… enjoying my lazy Sunday afternoon…

Always asking myself… am I a boring gal? haha.. I’m so boring…